Monday, March 2, 2009

a post from Mommy O

Friday evening I checked my email and after sifting through the random ads and forwards I was delighted to see an email from my good friend Molly. Molly always has something funny, encouraging, or insightful to say and Friday was no different. But before I share, let me share a little bit about my friend Molly. 

Molly and I met when she was hired as a full time language arts teacher at New Albany nearly three years ago. She and Chad worked together and we met because they decided that Molly and her husband Dan and the two of us would probably have fun together. We hung out off and on for the two years that followed as time allowed. Molly was very encouraging and rather instrumental in helping me find the courage and practical pieces for quitting my job at the radio station and going back to school at Ashland to earn my teaching licensure. She was a huge help in pointing me in the right direction. She was also responsible for encouraging my new-found need/love for coffee, especially a good Starbucks every now and then. Our favorit thing about Starbucks was always the cool mugs you could purchase and the "Way I See It's" on the cups the coffee was served in.
Soon after I started my first year of substitute teaching, Dan's dad passed away from a brain tumor and several months later Molly and Dan found out they were expecting a little boy who they would name Hayden. Although many things have changed for all of us these past few years, we're all better off in many ways for what we've faced, even the hard stuff. As I prepare to head back to school next Wednesday, I've undoubtedly been stressing, crying, stressing and crying some more. I know it will all be okay, but I've always been challenged to manage my thoughts and not let anxiety consume me. Now that Gracie's in the picture, I've relaxed in some ways, but have miles to go to relax in others. The most overwhelming thought/emotion lately has been how will I find time to do everything I need to do and still fit in the things I want to do, especially when it comes to Gracie. 
All that being said, Molly's Friday email couldn't have come at a better time . . .

In my attemt to happily say goodbye to February and warmly welcome March, I decided to stop at Starbucks (before school) toay. As most of you know, this automatically makes for a great day ;) The message on my cup was perfect so I wanted to share. 

The Way I See It #198
You can shower a child with presents or money, but waht do they really mean, compared to the most valuable gift of all - your time? Vacations and special events are nice, but so often the best moments are spontaneous ones. Being there. Every moment you spend with your child could be the one that really matters.
~ Tim Russert

Sometimes I feel like my "to do" list needs its own "to do list" :) Hayden will soon be one (next month) and I can't help but wonder where the past year has gone. I had a strong realization, one that my own parents say about the past 29 years with me,so I know that I will probably feel it with Hayden as well. I have things to do that must be accomplished, but I think that I will actually read that extra book to Hayden today. I may even play on the floor with him a little longer than usual. Who knows I may even rock him far past the time that he fell sound asleep in my arms. 

Thanks Molly. Thanks for sharing your heart and for encouraging all of us to realize that it's okay to have plans and to work hard to get things done, but not to get too caught up in all of it that we miss the spontaneous wonders that life holds, especially with our kids!

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