Sunday, July 25, 2010

Summer Update * Numero Uno

Summer started out a little differently this year. We didn't make it to Lakeside, but we did get to enjoy being in our new home for a few weeks before heading to the beach with Mama and Papa O. I loved the ocean and can't wait to go back. This trip was the end of June, so we've done a LOT since then, but here's a sampling of our start to summer 2010.

I had lots and lots of fun on Sandbridge Beach with my Mama and Papa O, cousins Luke and Kyle, Aunt Kurt, Uncle Sara, and Mommy and Daddy!

Luke went into the water and I wanted to follow too! I settled for always getting my feet wet!

I learned to scoop up lots of water and carry it in my bucket. It was fun!

Mama O threw us a half birthday party at the beach.
She and Papa picked out a cake and let us blow out the candles and everything!

A snuggle before bedtime with Mama O and Kyle

I was exhausted, but mommy didn't have to get on an airplane and leave so she and daddy wanted to try to get one last evening walk and photo on the beach.

Since mommy didn't have to fly home we took ALL day to get back to Ohio. We drove through the battlefields at Yorktown to humor daddy's Revolutionary War fetish, then we stopped off at Thomas Jefferson's home Monticello. I didn't quite make it through the house tour, but daddy did. Mommy and I took advantage of a walk in the gardens. It was hot, but we had some good girl time.

Smelling the flowers at Monticello

One of only a few family pics from the trip. It was SO HOT that day,
but thankfully there was some shade :0)

I am such a big girl - I loved riding the bus at Monticello!

For more summer pics you can visit our Shutterfly site: Mommy said it takes TOO long to load all of them on here, so enjoy whatever you have time to look at!

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Five months really?!

Well, I have to admit my mommy has had her hands full with me and until about a week ago, her school work. Not to mention Daddy's track schedule this past spring made things a little crazy. She spent a whole day uploading photos onto our computer and helping Daddy hang pictures in our house, so she keeps promising that she's going to get to the blog soon. I sure hope she does, because there are so many adventures you've missed in our life these past few months. I'll keep reminding mommy and maybe by Monday you'll have a long overdue update!

Gracie Reneee