Tuesday, February 24, 2009

It's tough bein' a little girl in a big world

Well, another week has gone by and I'm almost 12 weeks old. I had a rough week last week, I just didn't feel good. My belly hurt, really bad, and all I could do was cry and scream in pain to tell mommy and daddy that something was going on. I didn't eat very well and I was really cranky when we went to visit Gma and Gpa in Coshocton this past weekend. Everybody kept saying something was wrong, but nobody knew what to do. I tried to tell them, as best I could, that the Maalox was not helping, but it took them a few days to figure it out. 

Mommy called the doctor yesterday morning and we got right in. Doctor Tanksy pushed around on my chest and belly and asked mommy lots of questions. She decided that I probably have some acid reflux going on. She prescribed some baby Zantac to help me out. She said I should feel really good in about a week, but mommy said she noticed a difference in me already. I have only been on my medicine for 24 hours, but I took good bottle
s last night and this morning and I have been a happy girl. 

Last night mommy was really tired because I had a rough night the night before. Daddy fed my around 11:00 pm and I fell asleep at the end of my bottle. I slept from 11:30 pm until 6:00 this morning. Mommy still woke up at 4:00 am because she is used to me gettin
g up at that time, she really needs to learn to sleep when I'm sleeping! When I woke up I was so happy to see daddy before he went to work and get some breakfast. I took a nap after daddy went to work and then woke up for another bottle and so
me play time. Mommy and I played a little this morning. I even tried my Bumbo seat and sat there happily for about 5 minutes. It was a good morning. 

Just before lunch time my reflux was acting up,
 but once mommy gave me my Zantac and I got some food I went right to sleep in my swing, which my friend Hayden let me borrow and I'm so glad he did! I'm out (literally sleeping in my swing ) for now, but I'll write again soon. Auntie Kelsey is staying with me tonight before she goes back to Arizona tomorrow, so I'm sure I'll have more stories to tell :0) 

xoxo, Gracie

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