Saturday, February 14, 2009

happy valentine's day

I was very happy before I went to the doctor . . .

Yesterday I went to the doctor for my 2 month appointment with Dr. Tansky. She is so nice to me, but the nurse had to give me my first immunizations. It hurt when she stuck my leg, but after that I just got sleepy. I am growing slowly and steadily. 
Here's the latest stats:
weight: 9 lbs 11.5 oz
height: 22 in
and my head is just big: 85 %tile

Today I am off to the OU Basketball game with Jill and Aaron. I will tell you all about it tomorrow and hopefully mommy will take a few pictures. I must get going but I wanted to wish you all a very 
happy Valentine's day

xoxo, Gracie

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